Goo on the Grid

I am pulling this off IG, to live here. A place I own just slightly more. I’m not editing it.

Didn’t need a duplicate of my post-two-baby belly button, but here we are 😆 The last 10 days has methodically pulled each low away right as I got ready to spring from it to reveal *another low*. After layer 7(?) this morning I’m ready to stop deciding *this* is where I start my comeback, my metamorphosis, and just take a rest. Try to break down. Even an hour maybe two.

I’m sharing this because there will be a day I’m stronger than today, where I’ve grown, metamorphosed, but today I’m not even a caterpillar. I’m the goo inside the chrysalis. Surrender feels harder than scrambling for solutions, than starting a strategic comeback. I keep wanting to skip the real breakdown because I don’t have time or money or time or money…but maybe I don’t get to move to the next space until I sink fully into the now. So this mess… gets a square on this grid.

— That Sarah Mac, June 19th 2022




The Mom